Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Stupidest Conversation In History of Games Begins

Designer Says All Games Hurt People, Remains Oddly Silent on Whether Lying About Rape Does

Noted loser and game designer Ben Lehman, best known for fabricating accusations about sexual violence in order to attack fellow designer-loser James "argues with spambots" Desborough began a conversation yesterday on Google Plus by claiming that all games are dangerous.

"Most art harms people, one way or another," claimed the rape-threat-faker "Games often harm their own audience, by giving them artificial desires and then frustrating those desires, or setting friends in competition against each other."

As the discussion progressed, Lehman provided both compelling evidence of his idea and a window into the disfunctional environment his own game design work spews forth from: "For personal example: my experience of Settlers of Catan is that it does real lasting harm to the friendships of people who play it. "

Thus far, Lehman's friends--best known for continuing to read Lehman and sometimes giving him money even after he proved himself to be either a frightening sociopath or a vindictive scam artist--responded by treating the post as if it was not a terrifying cry for help from a damaged mind.


  1. Ha! It's great to have you back. These articles are hilarious when you think they are satire. Then you click on the links and realize that some people say these things in all earnestness and the situation becomes so sad that all one can do is laugh.

    1. Valued Reader,
      We regret to inform you that allthough The Dongion strives to provide only the finest in Poe's Law-based entertainment, nothing that will ever appear in these pages will ever be as funny as your screen name.

      E. Gary Zweibel
      The Dongion

  2. "Most art harms people, one way or another "- uh... no it doesn't.

  3. This is a great article, Thanks for giving me this information. Keep posting.
    Lol elo

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