Friday, December 13, 2013

White People Complaining About Dark Elves Still Not Dead In Fire

Experts unsure what's up with that

Evidence released by authorities early this week reveals that, despite widespread outcry, various white people--including an author of a game about underage teen goth sex werewolves--are still complaining about the anthropology of fake elves and still not all dead yet.
"I haven't actually heard a lot from gamers of color in real life about this, but when they do hear about it, I'm pretty certain we'll be greeted as liberators," sad a spokeswhitedudeontheinternet.
Wizards of the Coast--the company which owns the right to the actually not really very controversial imaginary people--has announced no plans to significantly alter them, despite no significant protests from communities of color anywhere ever.


  1. I shudder to contemplate the depths of horror that are your Facebook and Twitter feeds.

  2. The amount of fucks I could give for these people's concern over a made up fantasy race is zero. Seriously it is made up and make believe so who should care?

  3. You know there are actual black people who find the Drow problematic. It's not just white people.

    1. Doesn't matter it still a fantasy race. Considering what is going with the country as we know it bitching about a fantasy race is not even worth anyone's time. I am pretty sure the black guy who got slam against a wall cause the police man believes the black guy has weed really care about drows. Seriously people need to get things in order and figure out what is important. Bitching about drows isn't important and that is a fact.

    2. Oh you are totally right. Because it's not like creating the link between "black skinned" and "evil" could ever possibly subconsciously influence people to view real people with dark skin in a negative light.

    3. Valued Reader,
      The Dongion looks upon your thesis that obviously made-up elf people should be deemed morally responsible for the actions of racist adults with rapt and eager puzzlement.
      As this bold and inventive notion contradicts all contemporary philosophy and jurisprudence and will no doubt astonish our readership, we urge you to expand upon it and submit the resulting essay to Plasman F. Mipper, Gloveworks and Crackpotism Editor, ℅ The Dongion

    4. T. Woolley that is so full of shit and I will tell you why.

      First off there has been a lot of studies done by video games to see if they do cause violence. They found jack shit. So they try to tried studies to see if there is a connection to violence and of course they found jack shit.

      Then there is the fact I know many people that played violent video games and you know what? Many of them are rather peaceful people that would shit themselves if they saw real violence. Hell I had killed thousands of polygons and yet when it comes to real life violence I prefer to avoid it and go the peaceful route.

      So why am I bringing up video game violence? Because of the same bullshit argument you just brought up T. Woolley. As your subconscious influence over people. Anti-video game protesters been using that line of thought for decades and each study proves them dead wrong.

      So what does that mean your "link". Well even though I played DnD and fought drows I still don't hate black people. Actually I am generally okay with black people. So I guess that subconscious influence really proves jack shit yet again.

      So you really want to fight for race rights? How about you get off your butt and work on that in real life cases instead of bringing your bullshit agenda on us gamers who are getting tired of your PC bullshit. Thank you very much.

      As for the rest you people with a brain... Well sorry you had to read my rant, but given social justice warriors put me in such a "wonderful" mood earlier today I decided to air out my really honest opinion.

    5. The point is, Levy, even if video games _did_ correlate to people being more violent, it still would be the violent peoples' fault.
      Like: they cross a line (into violence, racism, whatever), they are totally responsible for that.
      The game hasn't blackmailed or tricked them into being an ass: they were an ass of their own free will. So it isn't the game's fault.

    6. Well now your just applying more logic to it Zak. Still I think my point stands that T. Wolley made a poor argument with no fact to support it.

  4. I only just realized how Gary pre-trolled these guys. Because with their black skin and white hair Drow are a negative stereotype of Elric. Geddit???!? Like a photographic neg oh never mind.

    1. You expected intelligence from social justice warriors who do nothing, but look for things they believe is offensive? That is a crazy thought.
